Island Life Diaries: Suzi Culbert

1. Where are you from?

 I’m from Scotland, more importantly I am a Glaswegian.


2. Why did you move from the comfort of your homeland? 

I often joke that it was because I was tired of applying fake tan, which I am ashamed to say is partly true.  The weather in Scotland can be quite difficult to manage.  There is a lot of rain and we rarely get to see the sun, but when the sun comes out it is probably one of the most beautiful countries in the world and the people are so happy to see the sun that it possibly has the best energy too. 


3. What made you choose Cayman?

 I had a family friend who was working out here.  I contacted him about a job and within 2 weeks I was on a plane on my way to Cayman!  I had never visited here and had never lived in another country before.  The plane journey was nerve-racking! I remember landing in Nassau and looking out the window thinking “Oh no!  What have I done….”  Then we flew over Cayman and I spotted Seven Mile Beach and said out loud “Now we’re talking!”


4. What was the biggest challenge you faced when you arrived? 

Paying Bills!  I wasn’t prepared for quite how expensive the island was.  I also really missed mountains and long drives.  I used to feel quite claustrophobic.  Now what I find most challenging is how transient the island is.  I have had to say goodbye to so many amazing people and that is still so hard.  On the plus side, I have fantastic friends and Cayman family all over the world now!


5. What surprised you the most about Cayman?

 Nothing really surprised me because I didn’t have any expectations.  I guess if I look at my life now and compare it to what I might have imagined my life to be if you’d asked me 10 years ago, I would be surprised at the diversity of my friends, activities and experiences.  Cayman is a true melting pot and if you submerge yourself in it your life can be so rich J


6. What do you think is the single most unique thing about this island? 

I don’t really have much to compare it to, but I think the diversity of cultures.  In my small office we have people from Cayman, England, Scotland, Jamaica, Philippines, USA, Canada, Trinidad, Guyana and New Zealand! That’s only 14 people but 10 Countries!  The opportunity to learn about yourself and others when you are exposed to what makes us all different and what we have in common on a daily basis is exciting to me!


7. What do you love most about living in Cayman? 

Most Sundays I end up in the sea on one side of the island or the other, either with my son or with friends.  I always find that that is the time that I reflect on how lucky I am.  People say “I live where you vacation” a lot and I think I really identify with that.  I work hard (harder than I did back home) but on the weekends I am pretty much on vacation!  I don’t think it gets much better than this.